Functional Integrative Nutrition

Functional nutritionists act as "health detectives"

in order to understand the relationship between biochemical reactions, and biological responses that are unique to each patient.  They rely on their knowledge of key physiological, genetic, and biochemical processes for establishing an innovative form of a total wellness program.  This approach to health promotion, and disease prevention, asserts that making simple adjustments to diet and lifestyle, based on a patient's individual biochemistry, can have profound positive impact on maintaining or restoring health. 

In addition to considering physical, mental, and emotional aspects of the individual;
beliefs, attitudes, lifestyle, and motivations are taken into account.

Health issues we work with:  This list is not inclusive.

  • General Wellness, Weight Management, Chronic Conditions
  • Autoimmune Conditions: PCOS, Celiac, Thyroid, Myasthenia Gravis, Asthma & others
  • Diabetes: pre, gestational, Insulin Resistance
  • GI Disorders: Irritable Bowel, FODMAP, Celiac, Gluten Intolerance, Food Sensitivity, Leaky Gut, SIBO, Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Food: Sensitivity, Intolerance, Allergy
  • Cancer Revitalization


A Comprehensive Session:

  • A comprehensive evaluation and assessment of your nutrition, medical condition, weight history, personal and family medical history, and fitness history, evaluation of nutritional supplement needs. Most appointments are typically up to 90 minutes, however, 60 minutes sessions are available in specific instances. (will not include comprehensive evaluation)
  • Review of a current food record with recommendations to improve health status, composition, performance and energy levels.
  • Long, and short term goal setting, that is realistic, and based on priorities and commitments.
  • Looks for triggers and stressors that lead to emotional eating, and create strategies to divert this in the future.
  • Address resistance to change, both nutrition and exercise, using motivational interviewing to understand what motivates or inhibits you, from accomplishing your goals.
  • Creating a nutrition and exercise plan that works with your lifestyle and includes strategies for a maintenance phase. This may include developing a meal plan, various methods of food prep and diet protocols, (i.e. Paleo, AIP, FODMAP, etc), grocery list, list of snacks, specific breakfasts, lunches and dinners that fit into your daily meal plan, pre/post workout snacks, or meals, and exercise programs.
  • Education on how to eat to prevent or manage diseases or syndromes associated with food like heart disease, diabetes, celiac or other gastrointestinal symptoms.
  • Menu plan and recipes
  • Body composition, (fat%, muscle %, visceral %, etc), if done in person.
  • Introduction to food log app that provides “real time” viewing of food logging, water and exercise by nutritionist.
  • Discuss any functional lab testing that may useful to your situation.  This is guided by what is discussed in the session.

 Package Pricing is below on this page.


A Follow-up Session:

  • Follow-up sessions are typically up to 60 minutes. In cases where the health condition is complex, the session can be up to 90 minutes.
  • Review food records, find problem areas and assist you in integrating your new behaviors and food strategies in achievable steps.
  • Look for triggers and stressors that lead to emotional eating and create strategies to prevent this in the future.
  • Address resistance to change, both nutrition and exercise, using motivational interviewing to understand what motivates or inhibits you from accomplishing your goals.
  • Monitoring the nutrition, lifestyle, and fitness plan that was prescribed for you.  Looking at how it this affecting your life, and how the strategies are positively impacting you.
  • Discussion of a maintenance phase plan.
  • This may include developing a meal plan, various methods of food prep and diet protocols.
  • Education on eating for prevention or management of diseases or syndromes associated with food, such as, heart disease, diabetes, Celiac or other gastrointestinal symptoms, etc.
  • Body composition, (fat%, muscle %, visceral %, etc), if seen in person.
  • Review food records, find problem areas and assist you in integrating your new behaviors and food strategies in achievable steps.
  • Review of goals and priorities.

Ready to Schedule?

Give us a ring, or send us and email.  We will get back to you either way! 

1  Functional, Integrative Session + 2  Follow-up Sessions

  • Used in a weekly, or bi-weekly time frame. (Must be completed within 2 months of purchase.)
  • Initial Session is up to ninety minutes
  • Follow up Sessions are up to forty-five minutes
  • Ongoing follow up of specific diet, nutritional supplements
  • Interpretation of functional lab tests
  • Monitoring of adherence to personalized diet protocol
  • Revisit and evaluate original health goals and progress made.  
  • Nutritional supplement evaluation, management of doseages.
  • Monitoring of macronutrient intake
  • Further testing
  • Resources as needed
  • Purchasing this package gives you a 12% discount from individual session fees.   

Any questions?  Connect with us!  

A series of 3 ~ up to 60 minute, functional nutrition follow-up sessions may include:

  • Used in a weekly, or bi-weekly time frame. (Must be completed within 2 months of purchase.)
  • These are stand alone nutrition sessions. 
  • Ongoing follow up of specific diet, nutritional supplements
  • Interpretation of functional lab tests
  • Monitoring of adherence to personalized diet protocol
  • Revisit and evaluate original health goals and progress made.  
  • Nutritional supplement evaluation, management of doseages.
  • Monitoring of macronutrient intake
  • Further testing
  • Resources as needed
  • Purchasing this package gives you a 12% discount from individual session fees.   

 To Your Health!